MD Ultrasound is committed to high clinical standards whilst providing efficient service to both practitioner and patient alike.
Please find following patient preparation regimes, examination types and indications for scans offered by MD Ultrasound.
General Ultrasound
Patients may take normal medication on morning of examination with a small amount of water. Diabetic patients may take small
amount of clear fluid and low fat food (Sweets) on morning of appointment.
Upper Abdomen
Patient preparation: 10 hour fast. If abdomen and pelvis required patient to present fasting and then fills bladder.
- Pathology of the Aorta
- IVC, Pancreas
- Liver
- Bile duct
- Spleen
- Kidneys
- Gallbladder
Patient preparation: Full Bladder. Drink 2 pints of water one hour prior to scan appointment
- Renal
- Bladder pathology
- Haematuria
- Dysuria
- Nocturia
- Frequency
- Prostate size
- Residual bladder volume
Female Pelvic
Patient preparation: Full Bladder. Drink 2 pints of water one hour prior to scan appointment.
- Uterine
- Endometrium
- Fallopian & Ovarian pathology
- Kidneys assessed if patient presents with pain
The ‘Endovaginal’ or ‘Internal’ scanning method is far superior in image quality, detail and sensitivity. Therefore, this
examination is offered to all women routinely. It is performed with an empty bladder after gaining signed, informed consent
from the patient. Some pathology may only be detected using this technique. This is performed on the day of the scan if
requested and incurs an additional fee. Please call the clinic if you have any questions regarding this procedure.
A description of the procedure may be found using under patient information.
Arterial: Leg arteries
Patient preparation:One leg – No preparation. Two legs – 10 hour fast to allow visualisation of abdominal/pelvic vessels.
Please state which leg or both legs
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Claudication
- Trauma, Aneurysm
Arm Aerteries
Patient preparation: None. Please state which arm or both arms.
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Trauma
- Raynards disease
Carotid Aerteries
Patient preparation: None
- FHx stroke
- TIA’s
- RIND’s
- Bruit
- FHx Vascular disease
VENOUS: Leg Veins
Patient preparation: One leg – None. Two legs – 10 hour fast to allow visualisation of abdominal vessels.
Please state which leg or both legs.
*Please state if indication is either DVT or Venous incompetence
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Superficial vein thrombosis
- Ruptured bakers cyst
- Venous incompetence
Arm Veins
Patient preparation: None
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Superficial vein thrombosis
- Oedema post mastectomy
No preparation required
- Rotator cuff tear
- Bursitis
- Supraspinatus impingement
- ACJ instability
- Adhesive capsulitis
- Ruptured bakers cyst
- Joint effusion
- Patella/Quadricep /Collateral Tendonopathy
- NB Cartialage / meniscus & cruciate ligaments require MRI
Achilles Tendon
- Tendonopathy
- Rupture
- Partial tear
Hand/ Wrist/ Finger
- deQuervain’s syndrome
- Ganglion
- Tendonopathy
Groin/ Inguinal Canal
- Direct/Indirect Inguinal hernia
- Herniated contents: Reducible/ Irreducible
Soft tissue
- Lipoma etc.
- Foreign body
- Abdominal wall hernia
- Tear
- Collection
- Haematoma
- lesion
Paediatric Hips
No preparation. Optimum baby age 6 weeks old. Scanning at greater than 3 months reduces visibility of anatomy.
- Congenital Hip Dysplasia/ Dislocation
Dating/ viability
Patient preparation:Full Bladder. Drink 2 pints of water one hour prior to scan appointment.
- Gestational age
- Gestational number
- Ectopic
- Viability
- Note; Transvaginal scans offered when clinically appropriate
Nuchal Translucency
Patient preparation:Full Bladder. Drink 2 pints of water one hour prior to scan appointment.
Medical Diagnostic imaging is fully accredited with the Foetal medicine foundation (FMF), a world leader in obstetric screening and research.
During assessment of the fetus the Nuchal thickness (NT) is measured. Other fetal morphology and biometry is also assessed. Different data
(for example the mothers age and weight) is then entered into a state of the art computer software program attached to the FMF. This then
gives the risks or odds of baby having Down’s Syndrome and Trisomys 13 and 18. Results are provided to the referring doctor within 24 hours.
This is not a definitive assessment and is used to assess risk only. Different factors can affect the NT. The ultrasound may be combined with
blood biochemistry to give a combined risk assessment.
Please call the clinic if you have questions regarding this procedure. Information and online medical practitioner and patient lectures may
be found on
Anomaly Scans
Patient preparation: Performed between 19 & 24 weeks gestation. No full bladder needed.
- Detailed fetal morphology and biometry
- Placenta site
- Amniotic fluid assessment
Third Trimester Scan
Patient preparation: None. Performed after 28 weeks gestation.
- Estimated Foetal Weight
- Serial growth scans
- Limited morphology and biometry
- Amniotic Fluid Index
- Umbilical Cord Doppler
- Placenta position
- Fetal Lie/ position
Multiple Gestations
- Dating
- Viability
- Chorionicity
- Nuchal translucency
- Anomaly scans
- Serial Growth scans
Thyroid/ Neck/ Salivary glands
Patient preparation: None
- Goitre
- Graves disease
- Hashimoto’s disease
- Thyroid retrosternal extension
- Lymphadenopathy
- Thyroglossal duct cyst
- Branchial cyst
- Parathyroid adenoma
- Salivary Calculi
Patient preparation: None.
- Torsion
- Orchitis
- Epididymitis
- Epididymal cyst
- Hydrocoele
- Lesion
Please call the clinic if you have any queries, we would be happy to help you.